
e-check logo  groups

With unlimited levels, groups and sub groups allows you to organise checks by, department, system, function, user, or any way which defines your business model.

 e-check logo  checks

Using a simple web interface, users can create and schedule various types of checks such as;

file checks - To ascertain if a file exists, is the correct size and was created at the correct time. 
manual Checks - Allows you to monitor and evidence the completion of daily, weekly, monthly, yearly manual tasks.

e-check logo  rules

Once you have created a check, using a simple rule builder, multiple rules can be added to interrogate the contents of files, such as; contains any textual or date parameters, line count, no. of pages, etc,. 

e-check logo  scheduling  

An integrated scheduler allows checks to poll between given start and end times and once completed will reschedule using the chosen cycle (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.).

e-check logo  dashboard

This provides a unified view to staff and managers, allowing real time monitoring of the status of checks.

e-check logo  email Alerts 

Failure, success and warning alerts can be sent to multiple users.

e-check logo  dependencies 

Can be used where a check, or number of checks are dependant on a previous check having successfully completed.

e-check logo  Reporting 

A suite of reports help manage the daily monitoring of your systems and provide audit and MI. 

e-check logo  storage & access

All checked files or manual checks and their results are stored in a database for audit purposes and creation of MI.